Ubiquity University
Earn a degree in
Engaged Wisdom
with a concentration in Goddess Studies​​
NEGT's Triple Spiral Mystery School + Ubiquity University​

Earn a higher education degree with the New England Goddess Temple's three-year Triple Spiral Mystery School Goddess Immersion Program as your core curriculum!
Through our partner The Wisdom School at Ubiquity University, you have the opportunity to turn your three-year Priestess Certification and Sacred Women’s Leadership Certificate into a Master of Arts Degree, a Doctor of Ministry or a PhD.
The Wisdom School at Ubiquity University was founded in 1996 by Matthew Fox, PhD, and has since become a global provider of transformational higher education for almost 30 years. Each year, through their degree programs, events and 20,000+ member community platform, they have been educating and empowering people who wish to serve a new world paradigm.
Become a leader in our shifting global perspective. Through story, culture, ritual, history, and creative expression, let us honor and celebrate equality, balance, connection and the rise of the Sacred Feminine. Earn a higher education degree in the field of Goddess Studies!