Welcome to the
New England Goddess Temple's
Triple-Spiral Mystery School
Priestess Training ~ Goddess Quest ~ Sacred Feminine Leadership ~ Clinician Path
Reawaken Your Divine Feminine Energy! Transform your life... and life on our planet...
with this rich one-of-a-kind online immersion!
The past several thousand years have seen an attempt to obscure and even obliterate the Great Mother. The result is a human world disconnected with ~ and even destroying ~ our very own Earth. However, after millennia of repression and subjugation, we are witnessing awareness of the Feminine rising again. We believe we cannot become whole, cannot make our way back
towards recognizing our Oneness, until the Divine Feminine reclaims Her place and is fully embraced in the consciousness of humanity.
"I have found my tribe with this beautiful group of wild women!
Diving into a deep study of nine goddesses with them has been inspiring as an artist and transformative spiritually. Through the leadership of Jen, Bodhi, and Shiila, I have been gifted with self-care, love, and support
through studying the wisdom and archetypes of the divine feminine through the ages with this amazing group of loving women. I am so grateful to be part of this Goddess Quest "
~ Yvette
Thus, our virtual Goddess Immersion is a place to reconnect, to retell the old stories, and to remember who we are: the birther, the dreamer, the weaver, the connector, the creator, the keeper of mysteries, the healer, the wise one, the maiden, mother and crone.
We are gathering an online Goddess community to have these
conversations and to explore together within our sacred container.
It is time for the Feminine to rise in consciousness again, and for us to remember
Her in all of her magical and divine aspects and qualities.
“The New England Goddess Temple has provided me with an incredible community, participants and facilitators alike, that support my path of evolving to higher levels of self-awareness and spirit. Add to that the extra bonus of journeying with a new Goddess each month as we walk hand-in-hand with them to embody their wisdom and spirit.”
~ Audrey M., LPC, BCC
We warmly welcome you to our AMAZING
Goddess Mystery School and Sisterhood!
Please join us as we submerge our bodies and spirits into this
nine-month virtual Goddess immersion.
Remember. Experience. Embody. Empower. Transform.
Discover and celebrate your infinite qualities and gifts,
and celebrate the Divine Feminine energies that dance within you
and the cosmos!
Our deep dive includes myth, Sacred Feminine archetypes, meditation,
movement, sacred altars, rituals, recipes, painting, journaling,
a Goddess Quest with an option to gather in-person,
healing medicine from Mother Earth,
and the support of an astounding Goddess community.
Our journey also incorporates a unique and fully supported Goddess
Quest to commune with the Cosmic Mother in your own unique way.
This is truly a profoundly empowering and life-changing experience!
Learn more about the Goddess Immersion in this introductory video with founders Jen, Shiila and Bodhi!
Please click here for a detailed description of this unique and transformative
9-month virtual Goddess Immersion and Quest.
Or email with questions!
Come remember, heal, empower.
We hope you will join us in
Her resurrection.